Friday, November 28, 2008

Our Country tis of thee

Ok I just found this out and wanted to share. Congress is considering eliminating the dollar bill in place of the dollar coin. Now this would save money in the printing but I do not believe they are in it for the saving of the money. Take a look at the Sacagawea coin and the new George Washington coin. There are three words missing that is key to our safety in this country..... Oh boy!

Sleepy dayz

Ok so I ate way to much turkey food yesterday.... I am hoping to stay in the good today as far as food goes. I have looked forward to this break but since I am not at school I feel useless. I am so used to being busy I did not think I would hate this break.... well I dont really hate it. I just feel like I am wasting time. I guess I am one of those people if I am not busy... then I am so bored. I have wanted to work on my blog though and I am glad I got the chance to do so. I love this blog can ya tell... I looked at so many blogs on here last night and it seems everyone I found just wanted a chance to tell their story. I enjoyed reading them. Well enjoy my story as it unfolds. I am gonna try to be more productive today... chao Angela

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I wanted to take a stand somewhere in my life on Prop 8. I know I am not in California and fighting the good fight with all the other people who believe Marriage is between a man and a woman. But I am here and I do feel this is a sacred bond between only a Man and a Woman. This was a gift from GOD and to do any other way is to mock Him who created us. I pray for all my brothers and sisters everywhere who are taking a stand regardless of what their law dictates. I found a great website tonight on blogger of a UK couple who were interigated for beliving in this God given right for marriage and family to be sacred. Take pride america on what you have been given. Now is the time to stand up and be heard. You are able to do more than you think. I love this country and I will not see it fall. I am greatful to have been given my freedom. So I say loud and clear with all out there Propostion 8 is a good law and should stay the way it is written. If not we will see family taken away a piece at a time.


178th Confrence Prophet Thomas S Monson

For More information go to You can also see more talks from General confrence at
Also our home website is

I Stand all Amazed

The Young Women

Another Video I love....

I have been so blessed in my life... I pray you will be as well.

We can Overcome all.....

I love this video and thought I would share it.... With the chaos going on today... here is some of my joy in my journey!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving dinner at the Griffin Ward

So we had a wonderful time at Church tonight eating with everyone and enjoying all the yummy food we had a chance to help a family down the road from the building and me and the missionaries just fell in love with them. I am hopeful they might be a contact family for the sisters... Sorry its short tonight. I am soo tired. Looking forward tomorrow. Everyone rest well and have a great Sunday!!!! PS> Tyler did a fantastic job on the arrangement of the food and all.... She was awesome! I feel like we ran a hundred miles though. I love the gospel. kisses to all Angela

Friday, November 21, 2008

Find Joy in the Journey

So as the world winds down and the closing number is upon us I feel its only necessary to post this. I am proud to be alive and know what freedom means. I am proud to have been raised by righteous parents who might have been tough on me but love me still. I am grateful that there is a God in heaven that hears and answers my prayers. And I am grateful to know someday we can live in peace and happiness with the Savior here on the earth. This past conference President Monson spoke about finding " Joy in the Journey" Today there was all this bad news on the TV and I felt so low but I remembered about this talk. On another occasion a few years back President Monson spoke that We were blessed with memories so we can June roses in the December of our life. I was grateful to see this more clearly now and to cherish these words. He has mapped out how we can find joy in the journey. When everything is crashing around you steal away and remember those good times and find safety in them. Find the comfort that we all search for. Yes the world is in bad condition. It can and will be saved. I would like to encourage all of us to pray for our leaders whomever they maybe. That they will be led to govern in righteousness and not from the greed and wicked stand point they have been. I say pray for Obama that he will do what is right. Any ones heart can be changed. That was proven with Pharaoh in the Book of Exodus. Not the part that was misinterpreted about God hardening his heart..... because men harden their hearts. Not God. The part where he softened and let the people of Israel go. Pray for America.... that she will once again be a good land full of prosperous good people. A land that welcomes all and challenges all to be GOOD. Pray for our Great Country. Because I feel my forefathers died with a purpose and it would be a waste to see all of that to be for nothing. I know that God helped to guide those men who set forth our Constitution. And declared with the declaration of independence " we will not be held down by a tyrant that cares for nothing but himself". America will be good again and I will be there to help in anyway I can... for I am still proud to be an American even if it is only in thought and purpose!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Puff the Magic Dragon

Puff the Magic dragon was my favorite when I was five years old. For some reason I have been remembering things from when I was little. I am grateful for this because it puts things in a happy prespective. Enjoy!!!