Thursday, November 27, 2008

I wanted to take a stand somewhere in my life on Prop 8. I know I am not in California and fighting the good fight with all the other people who believe Marriage is between a man and a woman. But I am here and I do feel this is a sacred bond between only a Man and a Woman. This was a gift from GOD and to do any other way is to mock Him who created us. I pray for all my brothers and sisters everywhere who are taking a stand regardless of what their law dictates. I found a great website tonight on blogger of a UK couple who were interigated for beliving in this God given right for marriage and family to be sacred. Take pride america on what you have been given. Now is the time to stand up and be heard. You are able to do more than you think. I love this country and I will not see it fall. I am greatful to have been given my freedom. So I say loud and clear with all out there Propostion 8 is a good law and should stay the way it is written. If not we will see family taken away a piece at a time.

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